g. Create a Cluster Config

Now that you installed AWS ParallelCluster, let us create a cluster configuration file as below. Let us reuse the SSH key-pair created earlier.

Below are some details of the cluster configuration parameters/ settings:

  • Head-node and compute nodes: c5.xlarge instances. You can change the instance type if you like, but you may run into EC2 limits that may prevent you from creating instances or create too many instances.
  • In ParallelCluster 2.9 or above, we will support multiple instance types and multiple queues, but in this lab, we will only create one instance type and one queue.
  • We use a placement group in this lab. A placement group will sping up instances close together inside one physical data center in a single Availability Zone to maximize the bandwidth and reduce the latency between instances.
  • In this lab, the cluster has 0 compute nodes when starting and maximum size set to 8 instances. AWS ParallelCluster will grow and shrink between the min and max limits based on the cluster utilization and job queue backlog.
  • A GP2 Amazon EBS volume will be attached to the head-node then shared through NFS to be mounted by the compute nodes on /shared. It is generally a good location to store applications or scripts. Keep in mind that the /home directory is shared on NFS as well.
  • SLURM will be used as a job scheduler
  • We disable Intel Hyper-threading by setting DisableSimultaneousMultithreading: true in the configuration file.

For more details about the AWS ParallelCluster configuration options, see the AWS ParallelCluster User Guide.

Execute the following commands in your cloud9 shell to get your AWS networking information and create a cluster configuration file:

AWS_REGION=$(curl --silent
IFACE=$(curl --silent
SUBNET_ID=$(curl --silent${IFACE}/subnet-id)
cat > config.yaml << EOF
Region: ${AWS_REGION}
  Os: alinux2
  - MountDir: /shared
    Name: default-ebs
    StorageType: Ebs
  InstanceType: c5.xlarge
    SubnetId: ${SUBNET_ID}
    ElasticIp: false
    KeyName: lab-your-key
  Scheduler: slurm
    - Name: compute
      CapacityType: ONDEMAND
        - Name: compute
          InstanceType: c5.xlarge
          MinCount: 0
          MaxCount: 8
          DisableSimultaneousMultithreading: true
          - ${SUBNET_ID}
          Enabled: true

Now, you are ready to launch a cluster! Proceed to the next section.