# generate a uniqe postfix
BUCKET_POSTFIX=$(uuidgen --random | cut -d'-' -f1)
echo "export BUCKET_POSTFIX=${BUCKET_POSTFIX}" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "Your bucket name will be mybucket-${BUCKET_POSTFIX}"
aws s3 mb s3://mybucket-${BUCKET_POSTFIX}
# retrieve local copies
wget https://math.nist.gov/pub/MatrixMarket2/misc/cylshell/s3dkq4m2.mtx.gz
wget http://s3.amazonaws.com/open.source.geoscience/open_data/seg_eage_salt/SEG_C3NA_Velocity.sgy
# upload to your bucket
aws s3 cp s3dkq4m2.mtx.gz s3://mybucket-${BUCKET_POSTFIX}/s3dkq4m2.mtx.gz
aws s3 cp SEG_C3NA_Velocity.sgy s3://mybucket-${BUCKET_POSTFIX}/SEG_C3NA_Velocity.sgy
# delete local copies
rm s3dkq4m2.mtx.gz
rm SEG_C3NA_Velocity.sgy
Before continuing to the next step, check the content of your bucket using the AWS CLI with the command:
aws s3 ls s3://mybucket-${BUCKET_POSTFIX}
You should see two files:
2022-06-22 21:55:12 477086544 SEG_C3NA_Velocity.sgy
2022-06-22 21:55:11 13027582 s3dkq4m2.mtx.gz
Next we’re going to link the S3 bucket to the filesystem we just created.